Lisa Le Storm, Fitness Junkie

Lisa Le Strom Credits BlastMask for Intensifying Workouts

Lisa Le Strom is a fitness junkie. Her interests include CrossFit, endurance running, and firefighter fitness. Lisa is also an experienced marketing manager and has worked in the fire industry for companies who provide safety equipment and gear. We spoke with her about how she found BlastMask and how she has been using it in her workouts. 

“I really got to know the BlastMask product and the craftsmanship behind it. To speak upon the validity of the BlastMask, I began putting it to use and connecting myself with authorities in firefighter fitness for example, Firefighter Functional Fitness. It’s one thing to market a product, but another to be able to continually utilize it and frankly speak to its benefits.” 

Aside from movements suggested by partners such as Firefighter Functional Fitness, Lisa used the BlastMask for numerous sandbag workouts, HIIT sessions, running with a weight vest or while doing farmers carries/sled pulls and pushes, and a variety of bodyweight workouts. “From an endurance athlete’s standpoint, it’s helped not just my physical well-being, but mental toughness,” Lisa said. “The conditioning on my lungs and controlled breathing has vastly improved.”

How did you start using BlastMask? (Did you easily and quickly incorporate it into your workout routines or did you adjust your routines to compliment using BlastMask) 

“Being an endurance athlete, I adapted it quite quickly and started applying it during runs, then added it to other workout routines soon after. In particular, many workouts posted by partners who provide fitness training for firefighters.”

Lisa added that she has used the BlastMask for more of a challenge to her workouts and added resistance to help build her lung capacity and control her breathing. 

“Learning to pace my breathing with level of intensity has helped keep my breathing less labored. Being already active, it has increased my stamina even more.”

Through training with it and aligning herself with multiple firefighter fitness organizations, Lisa has been able to help educate others about the BlastMask, its benefits and in turn helped firefighters realize that it is a great investment for their training and fitness.

“Take advantage of the resources out there for BlastMask specific workouts. There are great bodyweight workouts for those just starting out or ones you can do with minimal equipment until you feel you are ready to take it to the next level. Firefighter Functional Fitness is a great partner of the BlastMask and is an excellent resource for workouts.”

Aside from the health benefits, are the cost and time savings for individuals and departments (refilling SCBA bottles, keeping them in-service, and less wear and tear on equipment). Essentially the BlastMask allows an individual to train anytime anywhere and replicate real-world scenarios.