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Thank you for letting us know why you love BlastMask! A member of our team will contact you shortly.
Each BlastMask training regulator comes with one full-year warranty from the date of purchase. So you can train hard. And train often.
ISO 9001:2008 Certified. Made in the USA.
Scott® AV-2000 and Scott® AV-3000 are registered and/or unregistered marks of 3M or its affiliates. MSA Ultra Elite® and MSA G1 are registered and/or unregistered marks of MSA.
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The trademarks, trade names, logos, service marks, trade dress and products (collectively the “Trademarks”) displayed on the Site are registered and unregistered Trademarks of The Blast Mask and others. The trademarks, trade names, logos, service marks, trade dress and products in this Site are protected in the United States and internationally.
Patented + U.S. and International Patents Pending