Adding BlastMask to Training as a Tactical Athlete
In recent years, the focus on being fit for duty has the fire service talking about training as tactical athletes. This term has been applied
In recent years, the focus on being fit for duty has the fire service talking about training as tactical athletes. This term has been applied
If you asked Michael Coleman a year ago about training for the Firefighter Combat Challenge, he would tell you it was not even a thought.
“It is very, very, very close to working on air. One of the closest things to working on air compared to having done workouts with
“It is not so much that the workouts change, for me it is more that I think about how I can incorporate the BlastMask into
Aaron Zamzow Credits BlastMask for Simulating When You Go on Air Firefighter/Training Officer Aaron Zamzow is the creator of Fire Rescue Fitness and has been
Lisa Le Strom Credits BlastMask for Intensifying Workouts Lisa Le Strom is a fitness junkie. Her interests include CrossFit, endurance running, and firefighter fitness. Lisa
“I don’t know all of the science behind it, but I like the comfort I gain with it while wearing it with bunker gear and
Each BlastMask training regulator comes with one full-year warranty from the date of purchase. So you can train hard. And train often.
ISO 9001:2008 Certified. Made in the USA.
Scott® AV-2000 and Scott® AV-3000 are registered and/or unregistered marks of 3M or its affiliates. MSA Ultra Elite® and MSA G1 are registered and/or unregistered marks of MSA.
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